Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Assoc. Prof. Dr., Nevşehir HBV University
Dr., Nevşehir HBV University

Published 2019-03-19


  • Mobile Banking,
  • Experiential Marketing,
  • Experience Modules
  • Mobil Bankacılık,
  • Deneyimsel Pazarlama,
  • Deneyim Modülleri

How to Cite

ÇOBAN, S., & DEMİRHAN, M. (2019). THE PERCEIVED EXPERIENTIAL VALUE AND BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS ON MOBILE BANKING: THE CASE OF NEVSEHIR. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(1), 78–101. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i1.1045


        The aim of this study is to determine the perceived experiential value dimensions in mobile banking and to determine the effect of these experiential value dimensions on satisfaction and loyalty of consumers. The questionnaire developed for these purposes was applied to 390 consumers using mobile banking in Nevsehir province of Turkey The data obtained were subjected to exploratory factor analysis, linear and stepwise regression analysis. According to the factor analysis, perceived experiential value dimensions in mobile banking are respectively functional, emotional, personal, assurance, cognitive, social and sensory values. According to the results of regression analysis, experiential value dimensions have effects on satisfaction and loyalty of mobile banking users. In this interaction, the perceived functional, personal and cognitive (economic) values are important predictors of satisfaction in mobile banking while perceived functional and personal values are important predictors of loyalty in mobile banking. These results, confirm our expectations because of the perceived risks in mobile banking and its relation with financial transactions. As a result, it is necessary to satisfy the customers in mobile banking in functional, personal and cognitive (economic) aspects.


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