Aims & Scope

Business & Management Studies: An International Journal (BMIJ) publishes original research and review articles in Business and Management Sciences. Purpose of BMIJ Journal; To create value in the field by publishing original studies that will contribute to the literature in Business and Management Sciences and be a resource for academia and the business world. Besides, BMIJ Journal aims to bring the valuable work of researchers in Business and Management Sciences to a broader audience at home and abroad. Readership of BMIJ Journal; valuable representatives of the business world, especially those who do academic studies in Business and Management Sciences and those who do academic studies outside of Business and Management Sciences and other interested parties. Since BMIJ Journal will appeal to a broader audience in article submissions, it prioritises studies prepared in English. The most cited articles published in BMIJ Journal are those prepared in English. For this reason, it is obligatory to add an Extended Abstract section to these studies to benefit from the studies prepared in the Turkish language by a wider audience.

Business & Management Studies: An International Journal (BMIJ) within the scope of Business and Management Sciences publishes articles on all field areas. Subject areas of interest covered in the journal  include  the following:






Organizational Behaviour




Consumer Research and Management

Business History

Business Ethics


Financial and Economic Correlations


Financial Management

Investment Strategies

The International Monetary System

Insurance, Taxation and Banking

Leadership Studies

Management Science

Organization Theory

Strategic Planning And Decision-Making Methods

Total Quality Management