Published 2024-12-25
- Alcohol Addiction, Addiction, Social Life
- Alkol Bağımlılığı, Bağımlılık, Sosyal Yaşam
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This study aims to understand the impacts of alcohol addiction on individuals' social and economic lives. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 alcohol-dependent participants residing in Düzce, and demographic data were collected and analysed through content analysis. The average age of participants is 43.46, predominantly comprising men. Reasons for alcohol use were associated with multifaceted factors, including social circles, familial influences, and personal curiosity. During the interviews, participants articulated the adverse effects of alcohol consumption on family relationships, education, health, and work life. Furthermore, experiences of stigmatisation and exclusion resulting from alcohol addiction in social life were emphasised. Participants highlighted the importance of social environment, family support, and awareness-raising in preventing addiction. The findings reveal the complex nature of alcohol addiction on both individual and societal levels and underscore the necessity for a holistic approach to combating addiction.
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