Vol. 12 No. 3 (2024): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Jaycustomer behaviours from the perspective of hotel employees

Ozan Esen
Dr., Ministry of Education, Aydın, Turkey

Published 2024-09-25


  • Gayri Ahlaki Müşteri Davranışları, Işlevsiz Müşteri Davranışı, Tüketici Yanlış Davranışı, Sapkın Müşteri Davranışı
  • Jaycustomers, Dysfunctional Customer Behaviour, Consumer Misbehaviour, Deviant Customer Behaviour

How to Cite

Jaycustomer behaviours from the perspective of hotel employees. (2024). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 12(3), 505-520. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v12i3.2410

How to Cite

Jaycustomer behaviours from the perspective of hotel employees. (2024). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 12(3), 505-520. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v12i3.2410


Hotels operating for customer satisfaction experience some failures in the service delivery process. It is stated that the failures experienced may be caused by customers violating generally accepted behaviours. Jaycustomer behaviours ranging from theft to sexual harassment have severe effects on businesses, employees and other customers. This study aims to reveal various jaycustomer behaviours encountered by hospitality business employees in contact with guests and the approaches employees use to address these behaviours. In this context, semi-structured interviews were held with 12 department employees interacting with customers in five-star hotels in Kuşadası. The fact that employees working in animation, housekeeping, front office and food and beverage services departments, who have close interaction with customers, are included in the sample reflects the originality of the research. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive analysis. In this context, it has been observed that all department employees encounter jaycustomer behaviours. They commonly exhibit behaviours such as transferring information to their superiors, explaining, apologising and moving away from the environment to solve these problems. As a result of the research, essential inferences were provided to the relevant literature and hotel managers.


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