Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The effects of talent management on employee performance: An application on sales staff

D. Okan Kurt
MBA Student, Çağ University, Mersin, Türkiye
Saadet Sağtaş
Assist. Prof.Dr., Çağ University, Mersin, Türkiye

Published 2023-09-24


  • Yetenek, Yetenek Yönetimi, Satış Performansı
  • Talent, Talent Management, Sales Performance, Distributor

How to Cite

The effects of talent management on employee performance: An application on sales staff. (2023). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 11(3), 1038-1057. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v11i3.2283

How to Cite

The effects of talent management on employee performance: An application on sales staff. (2023). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 11(3), 1038-1057. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v11i3.2283


Today, the competitive environment among businesses is also maximized in the sales of products obtained in businesses. The presence of more than one option in every field in terms of product makes the competition more challenging. At this stage, we encounter the human factor working in businesses. Businesses that are aware of the talents of their employees and can offer opportunities for their training and development can bring their employees to the highest performance. This study aims to examine the effect of talent management practices of salespeople on their performance. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted with 332 participants working in sales in various sectors. SPSS and AMOS package programs were used to analyze the obtained data. According to the analysis results, it was determined that talent management sub-dimensions and employee performance scale are highly reliable, talent management sub-dimensions affect performance in a moderately positive way, and there is a strong positive relationship between talent management and performance.


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