Impact of strategic planning practices on institutional performance in local governments
Published 2023-09-24
- Stratejik Yönetim, Stratejik Planlama, Yerel Yönetimler
- Strategic Management, Strategic Planning, Local Governments
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Copyright (c) 2023 Öznur Karğın Çakar- Ayla Esen
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Strategic management practices are vital for the efficient utilization of resources and the long-term sustainability of organizations. Strategic management practices in local governments have gained more importance in Turkey by initiating public reforms through the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018. These public reforms aim to use institutions' scarce resources more productively and efficiently by adopting strategic planning practices. This study examines the impact of strategic planning practices implemented by municipalities on two performance indicators, “contribution to community” and “efficiency”. In this context, the relationships between three sub-dimensions of strategic planning practices of local governments and two sub-dimensions of institutional performance were analyzed. One hundred questionnaire forms were collected from mid- and top-level managers at three municipalities in İstanbul. The results depicted that “alignment of organizational structure to strategic planning in municipalities” and “problem-solving ability in strategic planning” had positive effects on the institution’s “contribution to community”. Additionally, the “efficiency in strategic planning preparation and implementation process” and “problem-solving ability in strategic planning” sub-dimensions had positive effects on the “efficiency” of municipalities. Our study has also addressed strategic planning in local governments within the normative scope of the Planning School, evaluating the relationship between strategic planning and institutional performance from the Planning School’s perspective.
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