Analysis of the performance of Turkey’s international transportation activities by employing the Entropy and EDAS methods

Published 2023-06-26
- Taşımacılık Faaliyetleri, İthalat-İhracat, Performans
- Transportation Activities, Import-Export, Performance
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ceyda Yerdelen Kaygın- Azize Kahramani Koç

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The balanced and efficient implementation of import and export activities for both developed and developing countries significantly contributes to the country’s economy. International transportation activities are important in conducting import and export activities balanced and efficiently. The aim of this research was determined by considering such importance. The years with the best and worst international transportation performance were analyzed using the Entropy and EDAS Methods, some of the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques, using weight-based data regarding transportation types of Turkey’s import and export activities over 2012-2021. As a result of the Entropy analysis, ARLN2 (0.4112) was determined as the most important criterion on the performances of Turkey’s international transportation activities, whereas MRTM1 (0.0001) was the least important criterion. As a result of EDAS Analysis, 2015 was the most successful year regarding the performance of Turkey’s international transportation activities within ten years, whereas 2020 was the most unsuccessful year.
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