The moderating role of mindfulness on the effect of work stress on social cyberloafing
Published 2022-12-25
- İş Stresi, Sosyal Sanal Kaytarma, Bilinçli Farkındalık, Banka Çalışanları
- Work Stress, Social Cyberloafing, Mindfulness, Bank Employees
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In this study, the effect of work stress experienced by bank employees on social cyberloafing was investigated. In addition, the moderator role of mindfulness on this effect was also examined. Two hundred nineteen employees working in private banks operating in Kocaeli Province constitute the research sample. The study is quantitative, and a questionnaire method was used. The data were collected using the Work Stress Scale, the Social Cyberloafing Scale and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Explanatory factor analysis was used to determine the factor structure of each scale. In addition, regression analysis and the PROCESS SPSS macro were used to test the hypotheses. The results determined that the work stress of bank employees positively affects social cyberloafing. In addition to these results, it was determined that mindfulness moderates the relationship between work stress and social cyberloafing. In other words, the effect of work stress on social cyberloafing is stronger when mindfulness is low than when mindfulness is high. In light of these findings, the current study examined the social cyberloafing variable as a coping method and provided a new perspective. In order to understand how social cyberloafing can be a solution to cope with work stress, the coping theory has been taken into account. Thus, coping and work stress literature were combined.
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