Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The importance of computerized accounting in accounting education in terms of the accounting profession: A research on certified public accountants

Lect. Şırnak University, Şırnak, Turkey

Published 2022-06-25


  • Muhasebe Eğitimi, Bilgisayarlı Muhasebe, SMMM
  • Accounting Education, Computerized Accounting, CPA

How to Cite

The importance of computerized accounting in accounting education in terms of the accounting profession: A research on certified public accountants. (2022). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(2), 631-643. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i2.2057

How to Cite

The importance of computerized accounting in accounting education in terms of the accounting profession: A research on certified public accountants. (2022). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(2), 631-643. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i2.2057


Technological development makes it necessary for most professions to be digitized and integrated into the digital world. In this context, computerized accounting is one of the most critical research areas in accounting. Nevertheless, there are a limited number of studies in the literature on computerized accounting that deal with Certified Public Accountants (CPAs). This study aims to show the importance and role of the computerized accounting course in CPA education. In this direction, the role of computerized accounting courses, their adequacy, the learning level of program users, their contributions to users, and the difficulties in learning computerized accounting are discussed. The study used a semi-structured interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods. The research population consists of members registered in the Chamber of Auditors of Mardin-Şırnak. A total of 11 questions were asked in the research, one of which five open-ended questions to describe the participants. The interviews continued until the participants' answers to the questions were repeated. In this context, interviews were conducted with 19 CPAs. The respondents' answers show that it is clear that computerized accounting is essential in accounting education for CPAs.


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