The mediating role of leadership support in the effect of job crafting on innovative behaviour

Published 2021-12-25
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Copyright (c) 2021 Demet Çakıroğlu- Mehmet Altınöz

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In recent years, especially in the first quarter of the current century, employees expect their economic and psycho-social needs to be met. Since proactive job crafting is innovative and creative, it is inevitable for the employee to exhibit creative behaviour. At this point, it is essential to consider that leader support is a potential trigger of employees' proactive job crafting behaviour. In this sense, the starting point of the research is the expectation that the enhancing effect of job crafting on innovative behaviour can be realized through the support of the leader. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine whether leader support has a mediating effect on the effect of employees' job crafting attitudes on innovative behaviour. The research universe consists of the technical and administrative personnel working in a public institution's central and provincial organizations in 81 provinces in Turkey. The data collected through the questionnaire using job crafting, innovative behaviour and leader support scales were analyzed with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) Mplus7 program and SPSS 22. In addition, the data fit indexes were examined. As a result of the evaluation, it was determined that leader support assumes a mediating role in the effect of job crafting and its sub-dimensions (task, cognitive and relational crafting) on innovative behaviour. In line with this result, it can be said that job crafting increases creative behaviour through leader support. In this context, it is thought that the study will bring a specific perspective to the literature.
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