The effect of unemployment anxiety on entrapment for individuals under probation supervision

Published 2021-09-24
- İş Bulma Kaygısı, Çevresel ve Sosyal Baskı, Sıkışmışlık Hissi, Denetimli Serbestlik
- Unemployment Anxiety, Environmental and Social Pressure, Entrapment, Probation
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Copyright (c) 2021 Hasan Hüseyin Uzunbacak- Tuğba Erhan- Serpil Köse Yürük- Bahar Gençel

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This research aimed to examine the effect of unemployment anxiety on entrapment for individuals under supervised probation. The participants of the research consisted of 234 individuals under probation supervised by the Probation Directorate of Isparta. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews using the unemployment anxiety and entrapment scales. As a result of statistical analyses conducted in the research, it was determined that the effect of unemployment anxiety on entrapment was statistically significant. Besides, according to the analyses done with dimension of the scales, environmental and social pressure dimension of the unemployment anxiety had a positive and statistically significant effect on entrapment depending on the internal and external factors. However, it was found out that there were no significant relationships and effects between the other dimensions. Therefore, the research results indicated that environmental and social pressure caused unemployment anxiety for individuals under probation supervision. In addition, unemployment anxiety increased entrapment.
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