Published 2020-12-10
- MSCI, Borsa Yatırım Fonu, ETF, Fourier, Zayıf Formda Etkinlik
- MSCI, Exchange Traded Funds, ETF, Fourier, Weak Form Efficiency
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In this study, weak form efficiency of the Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) in the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Index of developed and developing countries is tested. The Fourier Unit Root test, which does not lose its predictive power in terms of structural break date, number and form, is used on daily data. Also, conventional unit root tests are used for comparison between two different tests. Analysis results indicate common findings in some countries for both unit root testing. However, the Fourier unit root test results relatively more support the assumption of efficient market hypothesis that developed countries may be more efficient than developing countries.
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