Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Dr., Şırnak University
Dr., Anadolu University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Relationship Marketing Akhi Organizations Assyrian Filigree Masters
  • İlişkisel Pazarlama, Ahi Örgütler, Süryani Telkâri Ustaları

How to Cite

A STUDY ON MARKETING APPROACHES OF MARDIN FILIGREE CRAFT MASTERS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF AKHI ORGANIZATIONS. (2020). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 3815-3834. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1628

How to Cite

A STUDY ON MARKETING APPROACHES OF MARDIN FILIGREE CRAFT MASTERS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF AKHI ORGANIZATIONS. (2020). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 3815-3834. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1628



In the marketing adventure that started with barter/exchange, the marketing relationships in which mutual benefit and the efforts to create a value for all parties have experienced important breaking points over time. Reflections from these breaks are Anglo-Saxon, which focuses on short-term relationships and Alpine/Germanic marketing approaches that focus on creating long-term relationships. Undoubtedly, these approaches are the result of many components. At this point, relationship marketing, which reflects the Alpine/Germanic marketing approach. The Anatolian approach conceptualized by Erdogan (2013) is based on relationship marketing and the marketing understanding of Akhi organizations.


  1. DESIGN AND METHOD                                                 


The research was structured using the case study model, one of the qualitative research models. Semi-structured interview technique was used in the study. The descriptive analysis method was used in the analysis of the data.

The questions are designed to examine the 12 themes structered in Anatolian Marketing Approach studies by Erdogan and Islek (2013, s. 128-130) and Torlak, Erdogan and Yilmaz (2013, s. 186-187), which quoted from Dwyer et al. (1987, s.13) to compare relationship marketing to Akhi organizations. Timing of exchange, number of parties, obligations, expectations for relations, direct personal relations, contractual solidarity, transferability, cooperation, planning, measurement and specificity, power, division of benefits and burdens are the themes quoted from Dwyer et al. (1987, s. 13).

Due to the scarcity of masters performing their profession in the district of Midyat, Assyrian filigree vendors who are near related to the profession were included in the sample. In this study, the criterion constituting the relevant sampling technique was determined as "Filigree masters and vendors living in the Midyat district of Mardin province". Assyrians can be defined as a closed ethnic group. One of the researchers is from Idil district of Şırnak, where is close to Midyat. She met one of the filigree masters who is the owner of the filigree workshop in Midyat through an acquaintance. Since he is from the district, the craft master introduced the researchers to other filigree masters and vendors. All the interviewers are Assyrians.

During the interviews, the filigree making workshop and sales shops in Midyat were visited, and the relations between the vendors and their customers were observed during the sales.

Before starting the interviews, the permission and consent of each interviewer were obtained. The interviewers were told the moments when the tape recorder was recording and that the recording could be stopped at any time with their request.



In this study, the Anatolian Approach was compared with the marketing understanding of the filigree masters and sellers, claiming that relational marketing is not only based on Akhi Organizations, but also in other organizational structures as an understanding that has already taken place in the origins of the East and continues today. In this context, the subject of study has been determined as the marketing understanding of the filigree masters and sellers who are still performing their arts in the Midyat district of Mardin.

In conclusion, the marketing approach of filigree craft is relationship marketing as well as the approach specified for Akhi organizations. It is stated that there is a one-to-one relationship with customers. Sometimes the masters and sometimes the vendors are receiving the orders and dealing with customers.  Also, customers may give special orders which must be made for the individual. On the other hand, the relationship between one master or vendor and another master or vendor adopt the win-win method. It is common to see a vendor or master direct their customer to another vendor or master due to the customers' needs.

The long-term customers are mostly relatives, friends, and acquaintances. There are also tourists purchases. In some cases, tourists keep contact and order to remote places. There are usually more than two parties, including the exchange, the master, the vendor, the customer, the other masters, other customers, other vendors, and apprentices. It is seen that informal relations have been developed between the network since customers are from the immediate environment in the process. For example, sales can be carried out on deferred payments without being based on any bill. The contract between the vendor and custumers is based on social values through Assyrianism or acquaintance. In dealing with problems, tradition and social, moral rules are sufficient.

Akhi organizations as the filigree craft are limited to claim deeper understanding of the roots of relationship marketing in eastern cultures. The authors recommend investigating more business lines in the east for a deeper understanding of relationship marketing and Anatolian Approach.



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