Published 2020-12-10
- Prince Sabahaddin,
- decentralization,
- localization,
- administrative structure,
- Ottoman State
- Prens Sabahaddin,
- adem-i merkeziyet,
- yerelleşme,
- idari yapı,
- Osmanlı Devleti
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In the eighteenth century, the Ottoman Empire began to experience problems in administrative, financial, military and technological fields and In order to save the Ottoman State from this situation, many intellectuals prepared a “salvation prescription” and suggested various reforms. Prince Sabahaddin was one of the names in the group who closed an important gap in this search with his political, social and economic ideas. Prince Sabahaddin provided many models for the development of society and the state. So the research subject of this study is to explain “salvation prescription”, and it is the reflections of Prince Sabahaddin’s ideas on today’s politics.
The ideas of Prince Sabahaddin, which are thought to be impractical, harm the integrity of the state and which are imaginary at specific points, but which are reflected in some policies today, have been tried to be determined in this study. It should be emphasized that, since the ideas of Prince Sabahaddin are not independent of the political and sociological foundations of his identity, his ideas remain incomplete when these foundations are not disclosed. The idea that his ideas would harm the integrity of the state and therefore be dangerous can be said to be the product of this fragmented perspective. However, due to the limitation of the study, these parts are not detailed but outlined. Ultimately, this study aims to determine the reflections of Prince Sabahaddin’s ideas on today’s politics rather than explaining them.
Although Prince Sabahaddin is a well-known figure, few studies are dealing with the effects of his political ideas on today’s political life. This study has been prepared with the thought that although Prince Sabahaddin had important ideas both for his time and for today, this importance could not be understood sufficiently in his time and today for various reasons. It has been seen that almost all of the previous studies on Prince Sabahaddin could not fully explain the ideas of Prince Sabahaddin. For this reason, in this study, Prince Sabahaddin’s political ideas were handled as a whole, and it was revealed that he had an absolute consistency in himself. Political ideas, which were defended by Prince Sabahaddin and considered inapplicable to some, are encountered even in the localization stages.
One of the qualitative research techniques, document analysis method, was used in the study.
Ottoman archival documents and newspapers and magazines of the period were used as the primary source. As secondary sources, foreign and rare books and studies dealing with the life and ideas of Prince Sabahaddin were used. Besides, theses containing similar subjects were scanned from the database of the National Thesis Center.
In the result of the study, it has been discovered that looking at today, and it is seen that the old debates and concepts are on the agenda again. Among these, concepts of administrative procedure such as “centralization” and “decentralization” have an essential place. Despite this, it is claimed that especially decentralization will disrupt the integrity of the state and result in its fragmentation today, as it was in that period, and therefore, this concept is kept at a distance.
It is thought that Prince Sabahaddin could not openly defend the principle of decentralization during his lifetime. In response to those who claim that this principle will lead to federalism and even fragmentation, Prince Sabahaddin made statements that the decentralization principle has an administrative meaning and is not a political structuring. It is understood that decentralization, contrary to the idea of political decentralization, remains in an “administrative” dimension and means giving more authority to governors and opening provincial boards.
In the eighteenth century, the Ottoman Empire began to experience problems in administrative, financial, military and technological fields and In order to save the Ottoman State from this situation, many intellectuals prepared a “salvation prescription” and suggested various reforms. Prince Sabahaddin was one of the names in the group who closed an important gap in this search with his political, social and economic ideas. Prince Sabahaddin provided many models for the development of society and the state. So the research subject of this study is to explain “salvation prescription”, and it is the reflections of Prince Sabahaddin’s ideas on today’s politics.
The ideas of Prince Sabahaddin, which are thought to be impractical, harm the integrity of the state and which are imaginary at specific points, but which are reflected in some policies today, have been tried to be determined in this study. It should be emphasized that, since the ideas of Prince Sabahaddin are not independent of the political and sociological foundations of his identity, his ideas remain incomplete when these foundations are not disclosed. The idea that his ideas would harm the integrity of the state and therefore be dangerous can be said to be the product of this fragmented perspective. However, due to the limitation of the study, these parts are not detailed but outlined. Ultimately, this study aims to determine the reflections of Prince Sabahaddin’s ideas on today’s politics rather than explaining them.
Although Prince Sabahaddin is a well-known figure, few studies are dealing with the effects of his political ideas on today’s political life. This study has been prepared with the thought that although Prince Sabahaddin had important ideas both for his time and for today, this importance could not be understood sufficiently in his time and today for various reasons. It has been seen that almost all of the previous studies on Prince Sabahaddin could not fully explain the ideas of Prince Sabahaddin. For this reason, in this study, Prince Sabahaddin’s political ideas were handled as a whole, and it was revealed that he had an absolute consistency in himself. Political ideas, which were defended by Prince Sabahaddin and considered inapplicable to some, are encountered even in the localization stages.
One of the qualitative research techniques, document analysis method, was used in the study.
Ottoman archival documents and newspapers and magazines of the period were used as the primary source. As secondary sources, foreign and rare books and studies dealing with the life and ideas of Prince Sabahaddin were used. Besides, theses containing similar subjects were scanned from the database of the National Thesis Center.
In the result of the study, it has been discovered that looking at today, and it is seen that the old debates and concepts are on the agenda again. Among these, concepts of administrative procedure such as “centralization” and “decentralization” have an essential place. Despite this, it is claimed that especially decentralization will disrupt the integrity of the state and result in its fragmentation today, as it was in that period, and therefore, this concept is kept at a distance.
It is thought that Prince Sabahaddin could not openly defend the principle of decentralization during his lifetime. In response to those who claim that this principle will lead to federalism and even fragmentation, Prince Sabahaddin made statements that the decentralization principle has an administrative meaning and is not a political structuring. It is understood that decentralization, contrary to the idea of political decentralization, remains in an “administrative” dimension and means giving more authority to governors and opening provincial boards.
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