

Fatih Temizel
Anadolu Üniversitesi
Berfu Ece Bayçelebi
Anadolu Üniversitesi

Published 2016-01-11

How to Cite

CURRENT APPROACHES IN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT FUND AND A PROPOSAL FOR TURKEY FOR THE PERIOD AFTER THE TEFAŞ PLATFORM. (2016). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 3(3), 273-289. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v3i3.120

How to Cite

CURRENT APPROACHES IN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT FUND AND A PROPOSAL FOR TURKEY FOR THE PERIOD AFTER THE TEFAŞ PLATFORM. (2016). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 3(3), 273-289. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v3i3.120


In recent years,number of mutual funds has shown a remarkable increase in Turkey. While the number and kind of mutual funds, which assess the collected funds on the basis of risk management, increases, it is becoming more important for investors to choose between several variety of funds. Especially after the activation of the Turkey Electronic Funds Exchange Platform (TEFAS) by Custody Bank and Central Registry Agency of Turkey in 2011/2015, mutual funds have becoma available for more effective use by individual investors. After the TEFAS platform which is enabling individual investors access high performing funds, the need of performance valuation studies which will contribute to making effective decisions between funds have been increased. Supporting mutual fund performance
and valuation issues with academic studies and gaining accessible information to system, will contribute to the healthy functioning of the fund market. For this reason, it is essential to apply the most appropriate performance valuation methods. In this work, the methods used in the performance measurement of
Investment Fund Industry, data sets and periods of the studies in Turkey and the world are analyzed. From those analysis we try to discover the advantages/disadvantages of different approaches. Thus, arecent performance evaluation of investment funds traded on Turkey will be recommended.


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