Published 2020-09-25
- Organizational Culture, Organizational Ambidexterity
- Örgütsel Kültür, Örgütsel Ustalık
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Nowadays, despite the increased number of investigations on organisational ambidexterity in business environment, theoretical and practical literature still face a gap, and there is a lack of phenomenon construction. Besides, the organisational culture is a variable that has been studied for an extended period by many researchers from different fields. However, so far in the literature, the investigation of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational ambidexterity is rare and not exclusive. In this regard, this study is original in that it attempts to examine the relationship between organisational culture and organisational ambidexterity, as well as exploring the effect of the former on the latter in two companies that operate in the same sector but in two different countries – Turkey and North Macedonia, thus allowing a room for comparative analysis as well. The results indicate that the effect of organisational culture on organisational ambidexterity is significant and positive. Also, findings show that organisational culture plays a principal and decisive role in the exploration and exploitation strategy of organisational ambidexterity.
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