Published 2014-11-20
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AUTOMATION & BARCODE SYSTEM IN BUSINESSES AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO ACCOUNTING PROCESSES. (2014). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2(1), 38-48.
How to Cite
AUTOMATION & BARCODE SYSTEM IN BUSINESSES AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO ACCOUNTING PROCESSES. (2014). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2(1), 38-48.
Businesses accounting processes are noticeably accelerated with the development of information and communication technologies. Upon acknowledging the benefits of computers in accounting department, the system is enlarged to improve the communication between other departments and the accounting department with automation and barcode systems. Automation and barcode systems are important tools for transmitting stock levels and goods of sold information, client, supplier and staff information to accountancy department quickly and safely. QR code, one of advanced barcode application, has wider possibilities in stages of supplying of property and services. This work investigates the contributions of automation and barcode systems to the businesses’ accounting processes as well as the innovations in the QR code applications.References
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