Published 2019-12-25
- Leadership, Sustainable Leadership, Sustainable Leadership Scale.
- Liderlik, Sürdürülebilir Liderlik, Sürdürülebilir Liderlik Ölçeği.
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Sustainable leadership can be considered as a multi-dimensional process of economic, cultural, social and ethical aspects that not only direct the present audience, but also shape the future, and not only the organization-environment relationship, but also the organization's impact on the environment. The distinctive feature of this contemporary type of leader is that it acts with respect to the boundaries of natüre and that business practices are carried out taking into account the effects on future generations. The aim of this study is to investigate the validity and reliability of Turkish adaptation of the Sustainable Leadership Scale developed by McCann and Holt (2011). The Sustainable Leadership Scale was translated into Turkish and applied to 250 participants working in an international company in Kütahya by using a 5-point Likert scale. 32 questionnaires were left out of the study due to missing answers and 218 questionnaires were evaluated. The data were analyzed in SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 16.0 programs and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. As a result of the analyzes, the reliability coefficient of the scale was high and it was found to have structure validity.
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