

H. Tezcan UYSAL
Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, Zonguldak Meslek Yüksekokulu, Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü

Published 2019-01-03

How to Cite

UYSAL, H. T. (2019). THE EFFECT OF WORK ALIENATION ON COUNTERPRODUCTIVE WORK BEHAVIORS IN WORKERS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(4), 1434–1454. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i4.405


This research aims to determine whether there is a significant relationship between alienation and anti-productivity work behavior and if there is, to determine the extent and level of alienation on counterproductive work behavior and to evaluate the results in terms of organizational aspects.. For this purpose, data were obtained from 246 individuals working in the private sector in Zonguldak province via face-to-face survey method. This obtained data were evaluated using the SPSS program.  Confirmatory Factor Analysis, reliability analysis, normality analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, Independent Sample T test and One-Way ANOVA test were implemented to the data. As a result of these analyses, a significant and medium-level relationship was determined between the alienation to work and anti-productivity work behavior and found that all three dimensions of the alienation to work significantly increased the anti-productivity work behavior of the employees.


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