Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Res. Asisst., Ankara University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Yatırım Fonları,
  • Gayrimenkul Yatırım Fonları,
  • Gayrimenkul Finansı,
  • Performans Kriterleri
  • Mutual Funds Real Estate Investment Funds Real Estate Finance Performance Criteria Mutual Funds

How to Cite

ŞENGÜL GÜNEŞ, G. (2020). PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND TRADING ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE MARKET IN TURKEY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4438–4462. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1669



The establishment of transactions of real estate investment funds (REIF) has started in 2014 "Communiqué on Principles Regarding Real Estate Investment Funds", which was put into effect by the Capital Markets Board in Turkey. Therefore, it should be regarded as usual that the number of studies on REIF is quite limited. It is seen that there are many studies on REIF's because REIF's have been applied since 1938, especially in many European, American and Asia-Pacific countries. In the literature, it is possible to divide the studies for REIFs into two parts. These studies can be evaluated which the performance of funds or the management capabilities of REIFs are measured. In many studies on performance measurements of funds, REIFs have been compared among themselves or according to the market portfolio. In recent years, it is seen that techniques such as regression analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation are used in addition to traditional portfolio performance measurements.


As a result of the increasing demand for real estate in 2020 and beyond, significant increases are expected both in the number of REIFs, established and listed on the stock exchange market. For this reason, determining the performance of REIFs and measuring their managerial success is essential for investors.

REIFs, which have found a wider investment area globally, are essential for developing and diversification of capital markets. This research aims to evaluate the performance of REIF's, which is listed on the stock exchange market in Turkey, due to the limited academic studies related to prior periods, which is a very newly capital market instrument.


By 2020, the number of REIFs has been increased to 50, according to the Public Disclosure Platform data. In 2017; Batışehir, Dükkân and One Tower GYF owned by Albaraka Türk Real Estate Portfolio Management Company, have been listed on the stock exchange and the shares have started to be traded in the qualified investor transaction market. Many studies measure mutual funds' performance on the stock market, while REIF's are not in Turkey.


In the study, the data belong to Batışehir, Dükkân, One Tower, and Re-Pie REIF's that are listed on the stock exchange market have been examined. The funds have been ranked according to their performance by analyzing them according to Sharpe, Treynor, Jensen, M² and T² performance criteria. In the research, a comparison is also made with REIT data, and the results are presented.


In the research, 509 days of data have been analyzed between May 2018 and May 2020. Within the research scope, four REIF's traded in Borsa Istanbul Qualified Investor Trading Market have been analyzed according to the performance criteria, and funds are listed according to their performance using Sharpe, Treynor, Jensen, M² and T² indexes. The analyzed 509 days data is converted into monthly data, and BIST-KYD Repo Index is used as the risk-free interest rate in the calculations also BIST-100 data is used to measure the market portfolio.


As a result, it is seen that in all performance measurement models, the market portfolio with the BIST100 index shows a higher performance than the REIFs, and Re-Pie Eurasia Strategic REIF has the best performance among the examined REIFs. Albaraka One Tower appears to have the best performance among the other three funds after Re-Pie Eurasia Strategic. When REITs are included in the research, it has been concluded that REITs perform is above the market index according to performance measurement methods. In May-2018 and May-2020, which constitute the research periods, it is seen that REITs have the highest performance, other REIFs have lower performance than the market, and Re-Pie Anadolu Strategic REIF has the highest performance among REIFs.


As a result, the reasons for the poor performance of REIFs from their market portfolio can be counted in general as follows:

  • The lack of diversification in investment decisions,
  • Low recognition of very newly investment tool,
  • The sales of REIFs are only for qualified investors, therefore, their low liquidity compared to other investment instruments,
  • Wrong investment choices.

When making investment decisions, managers or investors' performance measurement results based on previous period data will be essential and form a basis for future investment choices.


Portfolio performance measurement methods such as Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen are previously developed as methods used in the article. In recent studies, other methods can be developed and used. Furthermore, the increasing number of REIF's in transactions and trades on exchange market data measurements give reliable results.


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