Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Soolmaz AZARMI
Assist. Prof. Dr., Cyprus Science Unv., Faculty of Tourism
Roozbeh VAZIRI
Assist. Prof. Dr., Cyprus Science Unv., Faculty of Engineering
Assist. Prof. Dr., Cyprus Science Unv., Faculty of Tourism

Published 2020-12-10


  • Hospitality Wastes,
  • Sustainability,
  • Environment,
  • Waste Management Practices
  • Ağirlama Atıkları, Sürdürebilirlik, Çevre, Atık Yönetimi Uygulamaları

How to Cite

AZARMI, S., VAZIRI, R., & CİZRELİOĞULLARI, M. N. . (2020). COMPARISON OF WASTE GENERATION RATE IN DIFFERENT SIZE OF HOTELS (CASE STUDY OF NORTH CYPRUS). Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(4), 701–722. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i4.1581


Waste management in hotels has a significant role in reducing the negative impact on the economy and environment. The goal of this study was to discover hotel sector waste (HSW) by quantitative analysis of HSW in different size of hotels. The SPSS software was employed to predict the average HSW generation rate using nationality, type of waste, season, accommodation type, and type of waste management practices as predictors. The results showed that during lean season 2063.4 kg and high season 4160 kg. In the sampled accommodation, also during the lean season, the large hotels waste generation rate was (66.7%), medium hotels (19.4%), and small hotels (13.9%) and in high season HSW generation increase around (45%). From the total amount of waste generated in the sampled accommodation, 36% generated by the kitchen, and in other section, 7% of waste was glass, 8% nylon 4% plastic, 3%bottle, and 5% of wood. Also, 14% of the waste generated was recyclable waste in the sample accommodations. Besides, the result showed that the waste management practice rate in the small hotel is less than another accommodation sample size.                                


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